Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Oops it's been a month!

In the splendour that is my life, I realized that yet again I have neglected to post anything to the blog! Here's a few minutes on what is new and exciting with us.

Mason starts school next Wednesday and I don't think it is possibly for a child to be more excited. Although, he has asked me several times if he REALLY gets to go this year. Poor kid, I have scarred him for life!

Charlotte is now 4 going on 15. I am so blessed to only have one little girl. Anymore than that, and I think I might go insane. We have been toying with the idea of putting her in "real" pre-school for the fall. I have this fear that she is going to be completely bored out of her mind when Mason leaves for school. It will be great for her to have some friends that are her own age. She also needs a little "girling up" She is kind of rough, even when dressed like a princess. I don't want to push any stereo types on her, but playing makeup always results in making herself look like a monster or a zombie, not so much a model.

Levi is sneaky as ever. He is able to disappear at the drop of a hat and he is so quiet. He is also a little ham. He makes the craziest faces! None of them on demand, however. He is by far our WORST performing monkey! He does nothing on demand.

Garrett is becoming a great little baby, too. He is so funny, even though we have successfully spoiled him rotten. If he sees you walk through a room and you do not pick him up, he will scream and wail and complain until you return and pick him up. Brandon yells at me for giving in, but I just smile and walk away knowing he will be our last baby.

Brandon is going back to school this fall to finish pursuing his welding degree. Being a certified welder will open up more job opportunities for him, and Lord willing, better pay. This will mean I can continue to be a stay at home mommy!

I wish I had more exciting stuff to post, but that really is it for now. Just going on with the daily grind. But, it is fun none the less!

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