Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The bus

Every morning, we wait at the end of the driveway for the bus to show up. I kiss Mason goodbye, and whatever children happen to be awake with me wave at Mason and watch the bus drive away. At the end of last week we had a bit of a meltdown by Levi because Mason was leaving. Today, I thought he was going to chase the bus down the street. "NO MASON SCHOOL" he cried. "ME GO!" it was very pitiful. However, it struck me that it is only going to get significantly worse next year when Charlotte gets to get on the bus, too, and Levi is still just waving from the end of the driveway.

I know that this is an age old problem (as long as there has been school to go to, there has been little brothers and sisters that have to stay home). I just wasn't ready for it to happen to me.

Charlotte will be going to preschool at the high school child development lab starting in October. I will keep you posted on that as I get more information. She surely is excited!

Also, has any one else noticed how eliminating just one child from my morning schedule has opened up some blogging time? Hmmmm. (I have two kids I can't blog any more...blah...blah...blah!, You know who you are!)

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