Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A new house

Today's the day. This afternoon we are set to close on our first rental property in Sycamore. It is a cute little 3 bedroom, bath and half ranch, with a full partially finished basement, big garage, and hug lot. As well as huge mess from installing the recent sewer system, a destroyed landscaping project, a dilapidated shed, and a falling down fence.

After much consideration and a little searching, this one kinda fell in our lap and the price was right. I am excited to become new home owners (even if I don't get to live there!) and make some improvements on the house and make it a great place for someone else to live. Because I don't post pics on here (wouldn't want someone to find out who I really am!) I will be sending out before and after pics via email in the next few weeks. I have some ideas that I hope will look fabulous when we have completed them. If you are curious, email me and I will be happy to include you on the list!

We should be finished in the next couple of weeks and hope to find someone by the first of October. I am excited and nervous and anxious and all of those other emotions that go along with signing papers for a 30 year mortgage that I probably can't pay if I don't get someone to rent! We have great ideas on how to be a landlord that everyone loves, and I want the renters to be as proud of the house as they would be if it were there own. It really is a fantastic family house and I would love to see someone with kids who would love the backyard and get to ride the bus to school and play in the fun big basement. And, if my parents decide to move to IN, and they sell the house we live in now, maybe I will live there!

But, in the meantime, anyone looking to rent in Sycamore? :P

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The bus

Every morning, we wait at the end of the driveway for the bus to show up. I kiss Mason goodbye, and whatever children happen to be awake with me wave at Mason and watch the bus drive away. At the end of last week we had a bit of a meltdown by Levi because Mason was leaving. Today, I thought he was going to chase the bus down the street. "NO MASON SCHOOL" he cried. "ME GO!" it was very pitiful. However, it struck me that it is only going to get significantly worse next year when Charlotte gets to get on the bus, too, and Levi is still just waving from the end of the driveway.

I know that this is an age old problem (as long as there has been school to go to, there has been little brothers and sisters that have to stay home). I just wasn't ready for it to happen to me.

Charlotte will be going to preschool at the high school child development lab starting in October. I will keep you posted on that as I get more information. She surely is excited!

Also, has any one else noticed how eliminating just one child from my morning schedule has opened up some blogging time? Hmmmm. (I have two kids I can't blog any more...blah...blah...blah!, You know who you are!)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Lug No Read!

There is a running joke at our house that started because of Levi's Frankenstein-esk speech. Every time he does something brutish, some one gives commentary as "Lug". When he was frustrated with the pages of the book not turning smoothly, and threw the book to floor, Brandon commented "Lug No Read!" A mouth full of food generally get the response "Lug eat good."

My baby Lug was proving quite the brute this morning. We have been struggling with him taking off his diaper when ever he can get to it. He is a pro at getting off all clothing (belts, buttons, snaps, zippers, and duct tape included!) and his diaper in less that 10 second flat. This is annoying during the day, but a potentially big mess at night! Last night, at the suggestion of my mother, I safety pinned his pajama zipper shut. This, in theory, was supposed to stop him from being able to get out of the pajamas.

Not Lug! He simply tore a hole in the top of the pajamas and broke the zipper. He managed to squirm out of the mangled pj's and woke up in the buff this morning. With little choice other than admitting defeat, I smiled and giggled "Lug No Diaper". Better luck tonight, I suppose!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

More first day fun

You are probably all sick and tired of hearing about Mason's first day of school, but seeing as everyone I know has a job and cannot just listen to me blab, I have to write it down!

The bus was supposed to arrive between 12 and 12:05. When it wasn't here by 12:20, I got a little panicky, at 12:30 I was ready to throw up. Brandon told me I couldn't call the bus company until 1pm. Luckily for them, Mason's bus arrived at about 12:45. Hopefully, when the route is figured out a little better, he will really show up at noon when they said he would. The other kids were dying waiting for lunch!

Mason was a bit of crab when he got off the bus. I could tell it was a really long day for him. He was willing to tell me a little about his day and some of the friends that he met. He seems to really like it so far (but it is only the first day!).

His first homework assignment was to learn all about an assigned letter. He is supposed to learn what sound it makes, what words and objects start with that letter, what it looks like, and if there are any special rules for it. As if it were a cruel joke, Mason's letter is "L" Any of you who have heard Mason talk know that the limited movement of his tongue makes his L sound be a W sound. When we were thinking of L words at lunchtime today, he didn't believe me that wood, watch, and wiggle weren't really L words. Poor kid!

I am hoping this will be a blessing in disguise and give us the opportunity to work on his letter formation. Some of the speech isn't really anything we can do anything about (his tongue doesn't reach!) but I also know that some of it is genetic (courtesy of his daddy Bwandon) and should be able to be fixed with a little direction.

He made some friends today, and from what I can tell they ride the bus with him too. Which is great for me because that means they live in Maple Park. Play dates here we come! He was excited, but exhausted, and is now upstairs napping, even though he cried he wasn't tired!

I think Mommy might just take a nap, too!

From the teacher

Mason's teacher just emailed me:

He is doing just wonderful! I can tell that he is very excited to be here! I can tell he loves to participate, which is great!!!! I wrote down your address. Thanks!"

Why am I afraid that "very excited" and "loves to participate" are code for "your kid is a spaz and I can't get him to sit still or be quiet"?

My baby and the bus!

Mason started school today. It has only been an hour, and I am pretty sure I am done crying (aren't y'all proud?!)

He woke up at about 6 AM and asked when the bus was coming (not until 7:50) he got dressed without complaint, had breakfast, brushed his hair and teeth, and put his shoes on all before 7:15! My mom came over this morning to see him off, and Mason made her go to work. "Please don't watch me," he begged. Later, he told me that he though Grammy would cry, and if she cried, he might. Kinda like saying, "no pressure mom, but don't start crying!"

At 7:30 I let him convince me to go outside and wait for the bus. We played baseball in the yard for awhile, the entire time I was drilling him on what to look for when he got to school (his teacher holding a stick with a yellow house picture), how he needs to use his listening ears, be a good boy, remember his manners, ask when he has to leave the room, etc. Then we saw the bus coming up the street. When he saw it, he grabbed his back pack, yelled "see you at Noon Mama" and went running down the driveway.

Like a crazy woman I yelled for him to stop and made him let me walk him to the end of the driveway. He introduced himself to the bus driver and very reluctantly gave me a kiss and a hug. This reluctance had nothing to do with getting on the bus, and everything to do with not wanting to kiss me in front of the other kids. He bounded up the stairs, picked a spot next to some other kids (opposite of the windows where I could see him) and off they went. No tears (except by Mommy), no waving, no uncertainty. OMG! I suppose it means that I have prepared him well, but that doesn't make it any less difficult!

When I was still doing daycare, there were some kids we literally had to physically place on the bus because they didn't want to go. I definitely didn't want that to happen instead, but I thought maybe he would at least wave and smile through the window! Hopefully the calls from the principal telling me my child is causing problems and class won't start until, well, at least Levi. I am so proud of my little man and pray that the teacher won't think he is a "scurvy elephant."

Despite what I said at first, I think I might go cry a little bit more.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Two more days!

My baby starts school in two more days! I didn't think I would be so sick to my stomach. I know he will be just fine, but I don't think Mommy will be!

He is very excited, but I am not so sure he really believes me yet. We go to his school tonight to meet his teacher and practice getting on and off a bus, and learn about the new rules for kindergarten. I keep telling myself that I have spent the last five years (almost 6!) preparing him to go out on his own, even if it is only for half day kindergarten. He is outgoing, respectful, articulate, and confident. Every time I think about him getting on that bus, though, I just flash on all the potentially heartbreaking things little kids go through. I can't protect him from them, I can only teach him to learn from them, but OH MY GOSH!

I am sure I will be blogging Wednesday morning, that is if I can see through my tears, after he gets on the bus for his first day. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Oops it's been a month!

In the splendour that is my life, I realized that yet again I have neglected to post anything to the blog! Here's a few minutes on what is new and exciting with us.

Mason starts school next Wednesday and I don't think it is possibly for a child to be more excited. Although, he has asked me several times if he REALLY gets to go this year. Poor kid, I have scarred him for life!

Charlotte is now 4 going on 15. I am so blessed to only have one little girl. Anymore than that, and I think I might go insane. We have been toying with the idea of putting her in "real" pre-school for the fall. I have this fear that she is going to be completely bored out of her mind when Mason leaves for school. It will be great for her to have some friends that are her own age. She also needs a little "girling up" She is kind of rough, even when dressed like a princess. I don't want to push any stereo types on her, but playing makeup always results in making herself look like a monster or a zombie, not so much a model.

Levi is sneaky as ever. He is able to disappear at the drop of a hat and he is so quiet. He is also a little ham. He makes the craziest faces! None of them on demand, however. He is by far our WORST performing monkey! He does nothing on demand.

Garrett is becoming a great little baby, too. He is so funny, even though we have successfully spoiled him rotten. If he sees you walk through a room and you do not pick him up, he will scream and wail and complain until you return and pick him up. Brandon yells at me for giving in, but I just smile and walk away knowing he will be our last baby.

Brandon is going back to school this fall to finish pursuing his welding degree. Being a certified welder will open up more job opportunities for him, and Lord willing, better pay. This will mean I can continue to be a stay at home mommy!

I wish I had more exciting stuff to post, but that really is it for now. Just going on with the daily grind. But, it is fun none the less!