Monday, September 8, 2008

The whole night~

At 4 am I woke up and REALLY had to pee. Why? you ask. Because usually I am up around midnight, and then again around 3 or so with a very hungry little baby and the opportunity to go to the bathroom. However, last night, I put said very hungry baby to bed around 8:30 pm and was not awakened by him in the middle of the night.

Being the crazy mommy I am, I did go check to see if he was OK on my trip to the bathroom (he was sleeping, of course) and then I went back to sleep. I didn't hear a peep from him until after 7am this morning. It was a good thing he woke up when he did, because otherwise, I probably would still be sleeping, Mason would have missed the bus, and my coffee would have turned off and gotten cold.

But, for the first night in more than 6 months, I got more than 3 consecutive hours of sleep. I think I can conquer the world today. Or, maybe more realistically, I will just start cleaning the house.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

so miraculously I had a baby that slept most of the night until i started back to work....I was up twice for you!