Wednesday, September 17, 2008

No offensive material here

My child thinks he's Spiderman, is this a problem? He continually tries (sometimes rather successfully) to scale the walls of every room, hallway, shopping center, and bathroom stall we come in contact with. I frequently find him perched in doorways high above my head.

On one hand I marvel at the strength necessary to accomplish some of his acrobatic feats. On the other, I cringe at the thought of having to tell a Dr. in the ER that my child's arm or leg is broken due to an 8 foot fall from the ceiling. We bought him a chess set, hoping to wrangle in his creative side. He did learn to play, but more frequently he spends time trying to balance the pieces on top of each other.

He got a baseball bat and ball. He got pretty good at hitting the ball, but just the other day I found him trying to figure out how to stand on the end of the bat as it stood on the ground.

Tonight, we went out for ice cream and he scaled the side of the building by using the order window ledge and a few "holds" on the side of the brick. I suppose Spiderman is better than Superman (no attempting to fly) but good golly the kid is going to give me a heart attack.

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