Monday, September 15, 2008

A conversation

Me: Please stop playing with that and eat your cereal.
Mason: Look I can make my armpit fart.
Me: Although that is fantastic, please eat your cereal.
Mason: (singing) I have a farting armpit, I have a farting armpit.
Me: Please stop that right now and eat your cereal or you are going to miss the bus.
Mason: (singing with a mouth full of food) Fart, fart, my armpit can fart.
Me: I am going to take your cereal away and you are going to be very hungry all day if you do not stop making your armpit fart and just finish your cereal.
Mason: Charlotte, can you make your armpit fart?
Charlotte: No, show me.
Levi: Amm Pitt.....My amm pitt too!
Mason: Take your hand like this....
Me: Stop making your armpits fart, eat your breakfast, NOW!
Mason: I have more than ten minutes mom, chill out.
Me: Do NOT tell me to chill out! Eat your breakfast! You still have to put your shoes on, get your back pack, find a coat with a hood, and get your library books BEFORE the bus comes.
Mason: Geez, okay. My cereal is all gone. (walking away to get shoes) I have a farting armpit......

I need a drink and it isn't even 8 AM! And, for all of you who are laughing, I wish it upon you as well.

PS I did take dad's advice on if its gonna be funny later (for the armpit part)....however, having to pack up all the kids to take Mason to school when he misses the bus is NEVER funny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HA!!!! So, ok, while I can totally sympathize and understand fully that if it were me and my own kids I would also be agonizingly frustrated as well...BUT, to take a step back and also imagine, say, watching it on t.v., it would be flippin HILARIOUS!!! So I'm very sorry you had one of those mornings that drive us mom's to drop a fat shot of Bailey's in our coffee, but as far as that goes, at least it WAS humorous. Some morning conversations lack even the slightest hint of humor. And man is that a drag.