Friday, July 4, 2008


After what seems likes months of drooling, I have concluded that Garrett is teething. He constantly has fingers, blankets, toys, whatever else he can get a hold of in his mouth. And, to top things off, all sleeping at night has pretty much come to a halt. He cries and looks at me with a extremely pitiful, helpless face and I just feel awful. My feeling awful is slighted by the fact that I haven't slept a lot, so sometimes my sympathy level isn't quite where Garrett feels it should be, making him only more pitiful.

He is otherwise a happy kid, even when throwing up all over himself. I am not looking forward to marring that adorable toothless grin, or being bitten by some new pearly whites, but I would love the tears of pain to be replaced by his smile again. And it will make it so much easier to eat all the food he keeps stealing off my plate!

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