Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ask and ye shall receive, apparently

Okay, so yesterday I commented on how nothing too funny/exciting has happened in our life recently. I should have learned by now to just keep my mouth shut.

Many of you know that Levi has an obsession with stickers. At our garage sale in May, I had to reprice each item more than 10 times because he would take the price sticker off and stick it to himself instead. We have gotten many hours of amusement, and quiet, by simply giving him a sheet of stickers and allowing him to peel them off and stick them all over his body.

This morning, I got up and got the kids breakfast as usual. After they were all situated at the table, I went upstairs to get dressed and get the baby. Shortly after I went up there, Mason came upstairs and said Levi was finished with breakfast so he let him out of his seat. Frustrating, yet helpful, I said thank you, and finished what I was doing. There wasn't any screaming downstairs, which probably should have been my first clue.

I went downstairs and was passed by Charlotte with an American Flag "sticker" on her forehead. What she thought was a sticker was actually a 42cent stamp. I very nicely took it from her and asked where she got it. She said Levi gave it to her.

I walked in to the kitchen, no Levi. And also no roll of stamps on the counter by the bills. I walked into the living room, no trace of Levi, however there was a few dollars worth of stamps stuck to my couch. I found Levi in the play room, quietly pushing around a newly American Flag decorated shopping cart. He turned to me, smiled his "Look what I did" smile, which was also covered with American flags. "Titkers Mom!"

Well, I couldn't exactly yell at him. How was he supposed to know that he had stuck $20 in stamps all over the place? He helped me gather up all the of the stickers that we could get unstuck, including reluctantly giving me the ones stuck to his face. I salvaged what I could and disappointingly threw away the others.

I have moved the stamps to a much more difficult to get to location, although that doesn't really mean he won't get them. I have some errands to run this morning, and it looks like one of them will be going to the store to buy some much cheaper "Titkers"

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