Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Are we having fun yet?

In only a few short weeks, my baby is going to start school! We went to the elementary school, filled out a whole lot of paper work, wrote a ridiculously large check for what is supposed to be "free" education, and we are now working on securing the two page list of supplies required for a 5 year old to start school. If any of you who are reading this are planning on buying my son a birthday present, HE NEEDS SCHOOL CLOTHES! We have officially tapped out the next size bigger kids. For the first time ever I had to buy my son shorts for the summer. Not that I haven't ever bought him anything, but this was officially the first time he needed something, and I couldn't just go to the attic and pull it out of a tote! (That is, by the way, a REALLY BIG thank you to all of you who have contributed to the clothing of my children the last five years!)

Charlotte is very excited for her big brother to go to school. I think she will be sad when he is gone, but she is looking forward to being the biggest kid at home. I don't know yet what she thinks is going to change, but she is anticipating a whole new big brother free day (as you may be able to tell by one of her most recent quotes).

Levi, my little ninja, has been getting out of his diaper on a regular basis now. My frustration has led me to believe that quite possibly it is time to start working on the potty with this one. He isn't even two, though. And, he doesn't perform well on demand in other arenas, so I am bracing myself for the struggle of "pee now because Mommy said so."

Garrett is still Garrett. He has started eating brown rice cereal and what ever else the kids think they should feed him off of their plates. He enjoys food (Imagine that!), but quickly gets frustrated that he has very limited control getting his little hands to his mouth. He is quickly becoming a (very demanding) toddler and not a little baby. It is sad, because there won't be anymore little Hersts in my home after this one, but I am looking forward to not walking around covered in puke anymore.

My second cup of coffee is starting to kick in and I need to start cleaning before the caffeine buzz wears off. The laundry is busy mating and multiplying like rabbits upstairs in the bathroom and I need to get up there and separate it before it gets to the point of no return!

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