Thursday, May 15, 2008

So, I have realized that the rest of my family and friends that use this sight write a million entries a week. How on Earth do they manage that? I can't even take a shower every day without feeling guilty, but they find time to hop on the computer and write short novels about doctors' visits, what new trick their child has discovered, or how fantastic their husbands happen to be this week. C'mon guys, you are making me look bad. As I type this now I have had to tell Levi to take the permanent marker out of his mouth (yes, cap off and ink side in), explain to Charlotte why her imaginary friend doesn't REALLY need her own glass of chocolate milk, and fix the DVD player because Mason put the DVD in upside down (which could very easily take me on a very long tangent about why do some CD's, DVD's look the same on both sides). I am sure the baby is probably freaking out and screaming, but he is upstairs and the baby monitor is broken, so I am going to take the ignorance is bliss route for the moment.

In an effort to keep up with the Jones's, here's what is happening with us this month!

Mason is a Wii fanatic and has been spending the rainy days advancing waaaay further in video games then any 5 year old should. It makes me smile to think that I thought Mario Bros. was hard and he is playing dual control, action fighting games (don't worry, it's only Marvel Super Heroes, not Mortal Combat). He loves to "rock out" on Guitar Hero too, and again, he is surprisingly good! He doesn't only play video games, though. He is really close to riding his bike with out the training wheels, but not quite ready for me to take them off just yet. I bet by the end of May he will be zipping around the driveway training wheel free! And, he is doing awesome in his reading and math stuff. My goal for him was to be able to read before he started Kindergarten. He can read more than 20 sight words, and he is working really hard on sounding out short words that he thinks he should know. He can tell time on a regular clock, though sometimes he has to think about it a little. And, I have been completely astonished by how quickly he picks up math concepts. He must get that from Brandon, because I sometimes have to stop and think about the answer to a question when he asks me if it is right or not.

Charlotte's bangs are finally growing back! Her hair cut is really cute again and I no longer feel the need to explain to strangers that I did not do that to her hair. She has developed a few imaginary friends, which I can't decide how I feel about that. It was okay when they were only part of tea party or house play, but now they watch movies with her and eat breakfast at our table. I just hope they are "friends" and not "voices"! She is a little computer whizz and can boot up the computer and log on to the internet herself. She goes to her game sites and will play there until I tell her to stop. Mommy has been slacking in some of the preschool prep for her, but fortunately we have found some online places that she really likes to play and I think she is coming away with some great skills. (I promise, I will not let the computer be her only teaching, but remember what I said about needing to take a shower!?!)

Levi is my problem child. Several times a day I have to resist the urge to smack my brother right out of him. He looks like Matt, smiles like Matt, smirks like Matt, and crosses his arms and refuses to do what I tell him to, you guessed it, just like Matt. I am trying soo hard to not let him be my self fulfilling prophecy, but each day he does something there is no way I could have predicted! He is Evil Kenevil, Hoodini, Rhett Butler, Elvis, and BamBam all rolled into one! Take a minute and think of all the qualities those men possess and then roll them into a single one year old boy, then imagine our daily challenges! Levi has also started talking a lot more, which is fun. Brandon is excited that he doesn't have to guess so much about what he really wants. Levi is also incredibly polite, telling you Thank You after everything you give him or do for him, so maybe there is a chance for him after all.

Garrett is still kinda pukey, but his colic seems to be subsiding. He still has his moments of random screaming for no apparent reason, but there are many more happy moments in between. Now if I could just get him to space out those darn feedings a little longer! He has a pretty infectious smile and he is soooo close to rolling over. Once he figures that out there will be no stopping him!

Brandon and I are doing fine, nothing too much here to talk about. Mom and Dad are going to Texas next week to look at a truck for Brandon and possibly bring it home. But, I will let you know more about that if it really happens!

Phew, that was a lot of typing. I feel like I may have caught you up on some of what it happening in our life. I know, if I wrote more often, they wouldn't have to be as long, but who has time for that? I plan on taking some pictures of the kids together when the weather breaks, so I promise to post those too, so you can all see how incredibly big they are getting. I do have to giggle at all of my "one child" friends that have pictures of every moment of their child's life, and all I can do is wait until they have a few more, then maybe they might not blog so much :)


Shannon said...

SO I sit here in tears while reading your blog. Some from hormones and your great stories about Charlie Beth and her dandelions and some from laughing so hard about Levi! & Mason growing up too fast! I only had time this week to post so much cause I called in sick on Wed and sent my kid to daycare so I blogged for a while...even though I am supposed to be having a baby in 2 1/2 weeks and have NOTHING ready I was too wiped out to get my butt off the couch...

Shannon said...

And PS you have the wrong anderson blog connected to your page..

Bernie said...

i'm not sure what's going on but I already typed a comment. You make my day each time I read one of your blogs. Uncle Pat left here this morning around 6 in his new 1991 Caprice. He called he had arrived at Kara's and was visiting with Colleen. She will go back to the nursing home tonight and they will leave for home in the morning. Paca and I will leave in the RV Wed. morning and be at Uncle Bill's sometime on Sat. Jessie's graduation is Sun. evening at 6. Love and hugs to you all. Nana