Tuesday, October 28, 2008

When do you have time to blog?

After watching my kids for a few hours on Saturday, my cousin asked me when it was that I had time to blog. I just laughed it off and smiled, but it actually did make me start thinking. My day is jammed packed, start to finish, with something to do at every minute. It might not be scheduled meetings or "important" phone calls, but there definitely isn't a minute to just sit and, well, blog.

So when is it that I have time to blog? Whenever I choose to I suppose. Right now, for instance. There is a mountain of laundry in my bathroom, I stuck to the kitchen floor when I was making coffee, some one behind me has a stinky diaper, my desk is so cluttered there is barely room for my coffee cup, I have to finish making my Halloween costume and iron the rest of Charlotte's, Levi dumped a pretty large selection of crayons on the playroom floor, everyone's sheets need to be changed, I need to pay bills and balance the check book, and through out the day I need to interact with the three kids who are here, teach them to count, color, and become overall good people, and make dinner for tonight.

I guess the real question is, why aren't you blogging?

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