Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Just an update

Just wanted to spend some time blogging, even though I don't have anything super fantastic to say.

Congratulations to my sister in law Meghan and her family on the purchase of their new home. I am so excited for you! Just don't ask me to help you move again.

Not too much exciting stuff has gone on the past few weeks. We are working through the daily grind. We bought a deck and a security fence for our pool, and spent some time two weekends ago putting that up. I think it looks really nice and keeps my kids out of the pool when I don't want them in there. However, it has made the pool impossible to vacuum without having to get in, and because of all the rain it has been rather chilly in there. Anyone got an automatic pool cleaner for sale?

And consequently, putting up a fence around your pool is a lot of work. I realized all too quickly that I haven't done diddly-doo in the last five years. I pretty much have just been pregnant or taking care of a newborn, so I have gotten out of a lot of the heavy lifting. Sure, I have helped paint, cleaned a few carpets, and even helped Andrea move while I was 7 months pregnant, but as soon as a baby cried, or I looked the slightest bit fatigued, I got to sit down and rest. There was no resting while putting up the fence. And, no one felt the least bit sorry for me. Almost was enough to make me get pregnant again, almost.

This past weekend Charlotte, Garrett, and I went to Aunt Shannon's house to hang out with Samantha and Alaina while Shannon and Andy went to the NASCAR race in Joliet. We had a lot of fun and I gained even further respect for people who have twins! (Garrett and Alaina are only 3 1/2 ish months apart)

I did have a giggle at some of the very "suburban" things that my children are not accustomed to. Every little noise from the neighbors sent a confused look across my daughters face. I thought she was going to have a heart attack when the neighbors phone rang and I made no move to go answer it! Also, Samantha wanted to go outside and play in her sandbox. We all went outside and I removed the cover from her sand table. She dug right in and started playing in approximately 5 cups of sand that occupy the table. Charlotte, my country bumpkin, has a sand box that is 20' by 14' and 4 1/2' deep. She stood for a few seconds, then leaned over to me and very honestly asked "where is the sandbox?" It was too cute for words. Sam and Charlotte played very well (even at the sand table). It was kinda creepy watching them play. I didn't really think she looked much like me until they were playing together and the two of them together look so much like what Shannon and I did as kids.

While I was baby wrangling, Brandon, Mason, and Levi had a "Man's night" as Mason called it. They ate pizza, had popcorn in the living room, and saved the galaxy as LEGO Star wars guys on the Wii. It was a much needed bonding experience. I have determined, though, that mess making is a natural man's flaw. When I got home, my house looked like some one picked it up and shook it a few times. Who takes of their underwear in the middle of the living room? And why is it okay to leave it there after you have taken it off? I was only gone for 24 hours!

We spent some time this evening putting in the window air conditioners in the house. We have done without so far this year, but the threat of really hot weather in the next few days has got us a little worried. Brandon works all day out in the heat (with added heat coming from his welding equipment) and coming home to a hot house wasn't going to cut it. We have the pool to retreat to during the day, but when it is time for dinner, sitting around playing or watching TV, and sleeping, we had to prepare to do something. Hopefully we will be able to keep them off for as long as possible and enjoy our nice country breezes, but better safe then sorry!

I know my blogs haven't exactly been as humorous or touching the last few times, but my life can't be hysterical all the time! I promise when something noteworthy happens, I'll share it! But hey, you gotta give me some feedback so I know someone other than my mom is reading this!


Charlene Rose Photoblog said...

I am reading huh...I miss being home with the kids I love hearing you stories!!!! Miss ya!

Charlene Rose Photoblog said...

wow I guess I should proof my comments lol! That Kaneland education has gotten me this far...heehee

Shannon said...

So we are suburbanites yes... THANK YOU FOR WATCHING THE GIRLS!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Kell, I have a automatic cleaner! It looks like a lady bug. I haven't used it at all this summer =)